Red Fox BJJ Kids Program

Does your child have any of these challenges?

  • They have a hard time sharing are getting along with other kids.
  • They find it difficult to focus on a task at home, in school or in any important situation and sometimes  even being classified as an “ADD” or “ADHD” child.
  • They are simply shy and lack the confidence and self-esteem needed to live up to their full potential.


There really is a safe, natural and extremely effective way to take charge and positively impact every aspect of your child’s life. It doesn’t take medicine, therapy, harsh actions, or cajoling your kids to change their behavior. Instead, it is teaching your kids self-discipline, hard work, confidence, and respect. This done in a way that empowers them while also teaching them humility, and promoting health and fitness… all at the same time.

Sounds like a wonder cure doesn’t it?

But there really is something that does all that. And that’s the power of Jiu Jitsu.


Children are like sponges. They absorb things quickly and easily – far more easily than we do as adults. In fact, parents can sometimes see a difference in their kids after just one martial arts class. Each additional class they attend increases their knowledge and growth.

Not only are they getting healthier as they learn martial arts, they’re also learning the value of self-discipline and respect. When you enroll your child in a martial arts class, you’re giving them much more than the physical skills we teach. You’re giving them the opportunity to thrive.


We never want our kids to have to use these skills in modern life, but every good parent still wants their kids to be safe.

That’s why our martial arts training is very serious about teaching your kids the skills needed for self-protection in any circumstance, from the neighborhood bully to a stranger on the street (and so much more).

But knowing how to defend oneself is only half the battle. Our classes teach your child the respect and self-discipline needed to diffuse a situation without violence whenever possible – as well as the knowledge to know when force is the only way to safety.


We never forget… kids are kids and they deserve to have some fun!

We can’t guarantee that their normal school teachers are making learning an enjoyable experience, but we DO guarantee that your kid will have a blast in our martial arts classes.

It really is a challenge to design a class that keeps children focused on learning, respect, and discipline while still having fun… but our classes are created just for that. They are so full of ideas, activities, and games that your kids will never get bored or stagnate.

It’s also a fantastic and healthy environment for them (and you) to make friends with other like-minded students. It really is a place where laughter, cheer and happiness abound.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.   Proverbs 22:6